Can You Froth Coffee Creamer?
You love using coffee creamer. You love the silky mouthfeel it gives to your morning cup of coffee.
But you’ve started wondering if you can get even more texture. After all, it would be ideal to get the frothy goodness of a Cappuccino without paying the high prices at a coffee shop.
But how can you get that fantastic froth with coffee creamer? Can you froth creamer at home?
Yes, frothing creamer is easier than you think. You can recreate the creamy taste of an expensive coffee drink from your favorite coffee shop at home.
In this article, I will outline how can you froth creamer, how coffee creamer is different from milk, and what equipment you need to get the frothy coffees you crave.

What Is Creamer?
Coffee creamer is a substitute for milk, half-and-half, or cream. As the name suggests, it was created to be used in beverages like coffee (or tea). You can find coffee creamers in powdered or liquid form, and coffee creamers are generally dairy-free.
What’s creamer made from? That depends on the type of creamer you choose. Some of the most common artificial creamers fall into two main categories: oil-based creamers or sugar-based creamers. You might not know the difference just by tasting them, so check the ingredients list to get the facts.
You can go beyond just those two types of creamers, though. You can check your supermarket to see if they carry non-dairy creamers made with milk alternatives. These days coffee creamers are also made with almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk, or cashew milk. You can buy fat-free or sugar-free coffee creamers.
One of the big benefits of coffee creamer is the longer shelf life. After opening, liquid coffee creamer lasts about 2 weeks, and the powdered type lasts up to 6 months. That makes creamers very convenient to use at work or while camping.
Can you froth creamer?
Do you want to use coffee creamer to make a luxurious cappuccino or latte? To get that texture, you need to froth the creamer.
But you’re asking yourself if it’s truly possible to get that frothy coffee beverage even if you don’t have an espresso machine and steam wand.
I have good news for you. Coffee creamer does froth up into a luxurious foam. And you don’t need expensive equipment to create it.
That texture you love comes from tiny air bubbles that get trapped in the cream and give the coffee drink a silky feel. To get the foamy texture, you simply need to incorporate air into the coffee creamer. You can use frothed creamer in a traditional latte or cappuccino or in iced coffee drinks.
We’ll get into the step by step of how to do that later in this article, but for now, let’s talk about how easy it is – or isn’t – to foam coffee creamer.

Does coffee creamer foam easily?
When you froth milk, what creates the texture? It’s a mix of the air you incorporate into the liquid and the protein in the milk. The milk protein coats the bubbles and stabilizes them.
It stands to reason that the more air you mix in, the more bubbles you will have. And more bubbles create that thick, irresistible texture.
When you froth coffee creamer, you can get similar results. And like milk, the more air you incorporate, the better the foam quality will be. In less than a minute, coffee creamer froths into a pleasant foam to top your coffee.
You can froth coffee creamer using a milk frother, handheld immersion whisk, or a blender. Or you can go the non-electric route and froth coffee creamer with just a Mason jar or French Press.
Coffee creamer in liquid form is easier to froth than powdered creamer, and you’ll get a thicker, silkier foam. If you do use powdered creamer, just add a bit of water or milk to it before frothing.
Is coffee creamer a dairy product?
Most coffee creamers are not dairy products. That’s part of the appeal – even non-dairy milk creamers have a similar texture to cream.
Coffee creamers are often made from vegetable oil, sugar or corn syrup, and water. Most also use thickeners and stabilizers to get the creamy texture.
Some creamers are vegan or lactose-free, while others are heavily sweetened. However, many coffee creamers do contain milk derivatives such as caseinate, so check the label if you need to avoid all milk products.
Creamer vs milk in coffee
When you want to add a velvety touch to coffee, which is better: coffee creamer or milk?
Milk-based products, like cream, half-and-half, or good old-fashioned milk or whole milk, are often used in coffee.
These all blend well with coffee. The higher the fat, the creamier the texture. Half-and-half, which is half milk and half cream, is creamier than regular milk. Some people use skim milk in their coffee, but the texture from the higher fat content is missing.
Those who want to avoid dairy products are looking for milk substitutes, or want a product that lasts longer in the fridge, turn to a coffee creamer instead of milk. Creamers give you a similar mouthfeel as warm milk foam.
But there are differences when using a coffee creamer instead of milk. Creamers are thicker and silkier. They’re great for people who don’t drink milk or who are lactose intolerant.
And they come in so many flavors; you’re sure to find your favorite flavored creamers. You can choose from a dizzying range of tastes, including hazelnut, Irish cream, Amaretto, butter pecan, white chocolate, pumpkin spice, and more.
When you froth coffee creamer, you will notice some differences. The foam will not be quite as thick as when you foam milk. It also might not be as dense.
And creamers often contain lots of sugar, unless you go for the sugar-free type. Since the sugar-free creamers are oil-based, they may have a high-fat content. Coffee creamer comes in single-serving sizes or packets that are convenient if you don’t use it much.
If your liquid creamer is a bit thick, you can also add water or milk to thin it out. The powdered type needs to be reconstituted before you froth it. That might sound complicated, but it’s not. Simply add water or milk to the powder.

Why froth creamer?
Liquid coffee creamers have a thick texture and a pleasant mouthfeel, but straight from the carton, it doesn’t come close to the experience of frothed milk.
On the other hand, it can be difficult to completely mix powdered coffee creamer into hot drinks, and you might find lumps of powder in your beverage.
When you froth creamer, you don’t have to deal with those problems.
Also, if you want to be your own barista and make your favorite drinks from the local coffee shop at home, you are probably hankering for frothed milk. Foamed creamer adds an extra layer of luxury, and you can even add cold foam to cold beverages like iced lattes.
Now let’s talk about the many ways you can froth coffee creamer at home or at your office.
How to froth creamer at home
Use a milk frother
You have a milk frother, and you’re wondering what kind of job it will do frothing creamer. It’s easy to froth it with a milk frother. You’ll get a creamy, light texture that might even seem more luxurious than milk.
Your milk frother might heat and steam the coffee creamer. If the milk frother you have doesn’t heat the creamer, you’ll need to heat it before you start frothing. You can heat it in a microwave or on the stovetop.
Heat the creamer carefully since you don’t want to boil or scald it. Scalded creamer has an off taste that might ruin your beverage.
Step 1
Add the desired amount of creamer to the milk frother jug. If your milk frother doesn’t heat up the liquid, warm creamer prior to putting it in the jug.
Step 2
If your milk frother has temperature settings, choose the one you want.
Step 3
Press the start button and froth away until you reach the desired consistency.
Step 4
Remove the jug from the milk frother and spoon froth into your coffee. Enjoy your frothy coffee!

Handheld frothing wand
A handheld frothing wand is a lightweight and convenient way to create foam from creamer. It froths quite well, so you’ll get plenty of froth even if you use a thick one.
A manual milk frother is one of my favorite ways to froth milk or coffee creamer because it’s fast and fuss-free. The froth you get has an amazing density with lots of fine microbubbles.
And since you may already have a handheld milk frother in your kitchen, you might not even have to buy more equipment.
If you don’t have a manual milk frother, they’re inexpensive and readily available. You can also use an immersion blender to get the job done.
Since a handheld milk frother doesn’t have a steam injection, it won’t heat the liquid for you. You can heat cold creamer on the stovetop or microwave before frothing. Be careful not to scald it.
Step 1
After heating the creamer, pour it into a container that’s suitable for frothing. The container should be deep enough to allow considerable froth to develop. Don’t fill the container more than half full so the froth doesn’t spill out.
Step 2
Insert the whisk into the liquid. Be careful to fully immerse the wand in the liquid so that when you start it you don’t have creamer splattered around your kitchen.
Step 3
Turn whisk on at low speed.
Step 4
Whisk for 30 seconds and keep an eye on the foam. Your goal is to get a light, fluffy texture. Once you’ve achieved the amount of foam you want, turn off the whisk, remove it from the liquid, and rinse it off.
Step 5
Pour or spoon the creamer froth into your cup of coffee.
How to froth coffee creamer without a frother
If you don’t have a frother, don’t worry!
There are plenty of low-tech ways to froth creamer, and you probably have at least one of these methods in your kitchen. Let’s look at how to create froth with a jar, a blender, or a French Press.
If you have a mason jar, you can use it to froth coffee creamer.
The advantage of using a mason jar or other suitable jar is that you don’t have to buy additional equipment. The disadvantage is that you do have to vigorously shake the jar.
Step 1
Heat up your coffee creamer. You can do this on a stovetop or in your microwave. Just keep an eye on it so that it doesn’t scorch, and keep the temperature to just below 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
Step 2
Add the creamer to a jar. Since the liquid is hot, wrap the jar in a towel to protect your hands from burning.
Step 3
Screw the lid on.
Step 4
Shake vigorously for 30 to 60 seconds or until enough bubbles form to give you a frothy texture.
Step 5
Pour over your coffee drink.
You can use a blender to froth coffee creamer, but the froth won’t be as light or fluffy. And a blender doesn’t create microbubbles, so the foam won’t be as dense and luxurious. Another drawback is that a blender is also a bit more difficult to clean. But it does work in a pinch.
Step 1
Heat the liquid in a microwave or on a stovetop to just below 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
Step 2
Add it to the blender.
Step 3
Put the lid on and cover the lid with a dishtowel in case the hot liquid splashes out.
Step 4
Pulse the blender for the first 15 seconds, then blend at medium speed. Continue to blend until you see fine foam develop.
Step 5
Once you’re satisfied with the amount of foam, turn the blender off and pour the foam into your coffee beverage.
French Press
If you have a French Press in your kitchen, congratulations!
You can brew your coffee and also froth your creamer in the same little piece of equipment. It’s simple to use it to froth creamer, since you just move the plunger mechanism up and down to introduce air into the liquid. Instant froth!
Step 1
Warm the creamer on the stovetop or in a microwave.
Step 2
Fill your French Press to the halfway point with hot liquid. You want to leave room for the froth that will be created as you add air to the mix.
Step 3
Place the lid on. Hold the lid in place with one hand throughout the process. Be careful because the glass and lid will heat up considerably, so protect your hand with a towel or pad.
Step 4
Press the French Press plunger down and then pull it up. Keep doing this in quick movements to add air.
Check after 15 seconds to see how much froth you’ve created. If you want more foam, continue with this step. If you’re happy with the amount of foam, move on to Step 5.
Step 5
Spoon the frothed creamer over your coffee and enjoy your beverage.
Troubleshooting – Why won’t your coffee creamer froth properly
Why doesn’t my coffee creamer froth well?
Thick creamers don’t froth as high or light. If you feel it’s too thick, you can thin it out by adding water, milk, or milk substitutes like almond milk.
Why does my coffee creamer foam evaporate so fast?
Since coffee creamer doesn’t have the milk proteins that stabilize the air bubbles, the foam might disappear quicker than you would like.
Use a frother that creates microfoam, where the bubbles are so small you can barely see them. Microfoam lasts longer, and it’s easy to create with a handheld whisk. Also, drink your beverage just after adding the foamed creamer.
Why does my coffee creamer froth taste burnt?
When you heat coffee creamer on the stovetop or microwave, make sure you don’t heat it for too long or leave it unattended. It scalds or overheats quickly and will give an unpleasant burnt taste to your drink.
Wrapping up
As you can see, there are many ways to froth coffee creamer. My favorite way is using a handheld whisk. They’re fast and easy to use, and they don’t break the bank. They also last a long time.
If you don’t have a handheld whisk, a French Press creates good froth in a short amount of time. Another good thing about the French Press is that you can brew the coffee and froth the creamer.
To get the best results, experiment with different recipes and methods. Try using a flavored creamer or milk alternatives like almond milk. Use different types of frothing equipment to see which gives you the desired results.
Your morning cup of frothy coffee will never be the same. Enjoy your favorite coffee creamer in specialty drinks or iced coffees and elevate your cup of coffee to a luxurious and indulgent experience.